FRP cooling tower

What is the principle of circulating water in FRP cooling tower

The hot water autonomic machine room of the cooling tower passes through the pipe through the water pump at a fixed pressure, and sends the circulating water to the spraying system of the cooling tower. Under the action of the fan, the dry air enters the tower from the bottom into the air network. When the hot water flows through the filler surface, the water film and air form a heat exchange.

FRP cooling tower

In general, into the tower air is dry, low wet bulb temperature of air, water and air the concentration difference between the water molecules and the kinetic pressure difference, when the fan operation, under the action of static pressure inside the tower, the water molecules to evaporate in the air, to become water vapor molecules, the average kinetic energy of the rest of the water molecules will reduce, thus make the loop water temperature drop. From the above analysis, it can be seen that evaporative cooling has nothing to do with the temperature of the air (commonly known as the dry ball temperature) being lower or higher than the water temperature. As long as the water molecules can continuously evaporate into the air, the water temperature will decrease. But the evaporation of water into the air does not go on indefinitely.

When the air in contact with water is unsaturated, the water molecules continuously evaporate into the air. However, when the air on the water air contact surface reaches saturation, the water molecules will not evaporate out, but stay in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The number of water molecules that have evaporated is equal to the number of water molecules that have returned from the air to the water, and the water temperature remains the same. It can be seen that the drier the air in contact with water, the easier evaporation and the lower the temperature of the water.

What is the principle of circulating water in FRP cooling tower

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